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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Waterbath & Pressure Canning Class

    Water Bath & Pressure Canning Flyer ...

  2. Ohio Sheep Day

    Program topics include: approved pasture renovation practices approved hay crop establishment practices approved EQIP practices for sheep farms basic sheep management practices lambing barn arrangements proper selection of sheep equipment calibrating manu ...

  3. Employers on Campus

    Employers on Campus is a new opportunity for students to interact with potential employers. Come to the new CFAES Student Success Center and Library in the Agricultural Administration Building and meet with employers, no appointment required. EOCs have be ...

  4. CFAES Programs

    For a complete list of CFAES programs, check here. If you have any questions about the programs that we offer contact Ms. Kelly Newlon, Agricultural Administration Bldg., Room 100. 614-688-4144 ...

  5. NPFDA Scholarship

    The National Poultry & Food Distributors Association is awarding four $2,000 scholarships this year to those that qualify. All appropriate documents must be received by May 31, 2015. View the attachment for more details.  ...

  6. Ohio State Veterinary Medicine Prerequisite Changes

    Those planning to apply to OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine in Autumn of 2015 (and beyond) should note the changes on their website. As an update to the list of changes, AGCOMM 3130 will be allowed as a substitution for COMM 2110 and ANIM SCI 3140 wil ...

  7. 2013 Sheep and Goat WebEx Programs

    In a coordinated effort, the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association and Ohio State University Extension are pleased to announce the 2013 Sheep and Goat WebEx Programs. ...

  8. Hancock County 4-H Jr Camp

    Link to the 4-H Camp Opportunities page Camp registration begins Monday, March 4 and we are in the process of finalizing all registration materials. Hancock County 4-H members ages 8-14 should receive an invitation later in April. The theme for this year& ...

  9. 4-H Dog Fun Match Hancock Co.

    Link to a flyer with registration form for this event Registration 8-9 a.m. Judging starts at 9:30 a.m. Showmanship classes must be pre-registered and pre-paid Entry fee: $5 all classes with the exception of $3 Obedience Practice Class Sponsored by the K- ...

  10. Performance Against Standards Horse Show Hancock Co.

    Link to a show bill Entries are due June 1 for PAS shows within the Maumee Valley Extension Education and Research Area (EERA) Link to Regional 4-H events website which includes 2015 Ohio State Fair Jr Horse Program Qualifications and Patterns and the ent ...
