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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Rootless and Floppy Corn

    Following last week’s storms I received several reports of “rootless” and “floppy corn”. The problem was evident in several fields at the OSU Western Agricultural Research Farm at S. Charleston (photo). Rootless corn (or rootless corn syndrome) occurs whe ...

  2. Warmer and Drier will be the trend for the rest of the growing season

    The overall trend, as we discussed earlier this year, was expected to be toward warmer and drier weather and this has been occurring. Spring is in the books and it went down as warmer temperatures and near normal rainfall for Ohio as seen in the attached ...

  3. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Wheat harvest will soon be underway; we often get questions about the nutrient value of straw.  The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices.  Thus, the most accurate values require ...

  4. 2016-17


  5. Weed ID Field Day-Trumbull County

    Join Mark Loux, Horticulture and Crop Science Ohio State University and learn about major weeds in the area. Topics include: Weed ID Control Actions Palmer Amaranth ...

  6. Weed ID Field Day-Mahoning County

    Join Mark Loux, Horticulture and Crop Science Ohio State University and learn about major weeds in the area. Topics include: Weed ID Control Actions Palmer Amaranth ...

  7. Spray Diagnostics Field Day

    Field Day Will Include: Plot Demonstrations Modes of Action Symptoms Spray Drift Demonstration Tank Contamination and Cleanout Spray Nozzle Selection Please Register by July 7, 2016 Auglaize County Extension-Jeff Stachler, 419-739-6580, Email:  stachler.1 ...

  8. 2016 Cloverbud Camp

    The 2016 Cloverbud Camp is Shooting for the Stars!  Cloverbud members are invited to attend the Cloverbud Camp on Tuesday August 16, 2016 from 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m at the Franciscan Earth Literacy Center.  Cloverbuds will enjoy team building activities, as ...

  9. Western ARS Nutrient Management Field Day

    A Field Day event that include field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the requirements to receive Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification in the state of Ohio.     Agenda 8:30 to 9:00     Registration 9:00     Field Activiti ...

  10. Western ARS Agronomy Field Day

    Producers and industry agronomists are invited to attend the Western ARS Agronomy Field Day, Wednesday, July 20, 2016 – 9AM to 3:15PM.    We plan to start registration at 8:30. With the program starting at 9 AM. Speakers planned for the day include: Peter ...
