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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Quality Assurance Test Out Week

    This week is the test out option for Quality Assurance.  Youth MUST attend a 2015 clinic (May 3rd and 30th) before taking tis option.  Contact Leslie to schedule an appointment to test. ...

  2. Intermediate Camp Registration Closed

    This is the last day to register for intermediate camp with a late fee. ...

  3. Health and Safety Speaking Contest & 4-H Pledge/Creed Contest


  4. 6th Annual Fairfield County Horse Advisors Tack Swap & Auction!

    Tack Swap starts at 10:00 am Auction starts at 2:00 pm.  Auction tack provided by Hendersons Tack & Western Wear, Jackson OH Booth spaces available.  Pre-register $20.00,  Day of $25.00 Horse & Craft items welcome. Please call 740-974-5669 with qu ...

  5. Camp Counselor Meeting is Cancelled Due to Weather


  6. Fashion and Nutrition Board Meeting


  7. Fashion and Nutrition Board Meeting


  8. Livestock Judging Team Meeting- CANCELLED TONIGHT!!

    The Fairfield Livestock Judging Club (FLJC) is currently open to all ages of 4-H and FFA members. There is no enrollment period as we are open to new members at all times. No matter the age or experience, we have a spot on the team open! ...

  9. Fairfield County Cattlemen's Association Banquet

    The 27th annual Banquet has been rescheduled for March 28 ...

  10. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    Hellebores also known as Christmas or Lenten Roses are wonderful additions to a shade garden.  In this area, their green leaves show through the snow all winter and in very early spring they bloom with flowers in many colors from whites to deep purple and ...
