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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Ohio Woodland Stewards- Owl Prowl

    Spend the evening with OSU Extension’s Marne Titchenell and Carrie Brown as we go on the prowl for Ohio’s owls! Join us for hot drinks and tasty treats, as we chat about owl species and ecology, then hike into the woods to call in these silent hunters. Th ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Victoria Drumm

    Plan to join Victoria Drumm's graduate exit seminar on December 18, 2024, at 12:00 pm  via Zoom. Victoria will present, "Impacts of intermittent light pollution on Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) foraging and antipredator behaviors" ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar- Joseph Hinz

    Plan to join Joseph Hinz's graduate exit seminar on December 17, 2024, at 10:00 am  via Zoom. Joseph will present, "Multi Scale Evaluation of Early Successional Habitat for Ruffed Grouse in Ohio" Abstract:  Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus), ...

  4. Sponsor the Symposium

    Donations If you are an organization interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact student planning committee members contact Julia Glandorrf  ( and Jess Dong (  about how you can become involved. We would love for ...

  5. Introduction to Environmental Education & Communications

    ENR 3612 This course introduces best practices for environmental education and communications, including approaches for direct instruction in formal (e.g., K-12 schools) and informal settings (e.g., parks and museums), as well indirect communications with ...

  6. Introduction to Sustainability

    ENR 2501 Introduces students to principles from various disciplines related to social, economic and environmental sustainability. Students will evaluate key concepts and examine tradeoffs that are a part of sustainability action using case studies represe ...

  7. Citizenship Across the Rural-Urban Divide

    ENR 2400 Foundational concepts of citizenship in historical, current, and social science contexts; definitions, benefits, and responsibilities of citizenship. Citizenship and community participation in rural, urban, or suburban locations, differing perspe ...

  8. Full List of 2024 Publications

    2024 Publications to Date Adhikari, A., Bajgai, Y., Rabgyal, J.  et al.   Altitude, Land Use and Soil Depth Effects on Earthworm Density and its Relationship to Soil Properties in an On-Farm Study.  J Soil Sci Plant Nutr  (2024). ...

  9. Ohio Sea Grant releases 2024 summary of ODHE Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative

    Over 100 expert research teams are working on solutions to benefit Ohio Ohio Sea Grant, on behalf of The Ohio State University, The University of Toledo and the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), has released the 2024 research findings update for ...

  10. Hancock County Fair

    Hancock County Fair Held the Tuesday before Labor Day through Labor Day. Go to for details ...
