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Horse Mock Show
Quality Assurance
Assuring Quality Care for Animals If member is enrolled in a market livestock, market poultry, lactating dairy, or lactating goat project and intends to exhibit their animal at the Holmes County Junior Fair and the animal is destined to terminal or partia ...
Bi-State Poultry Clinic
Information and registration form ...
Jr Swine Day Registration DUE
OSU Junior Swine Day brochure and registration form ...
Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
As prospects for a timely start to spring planting diminish, growers need to reassess their planting strategies and consider adjustments. Since delayed planting reduces the yield potential of corn, the foremost attention should be given to management prac ...
Past Events
Solar Energy in Agriculture
Many farmers consider investing in on-farm solar energy systems to stabilize energy input costs. Farmers interested in installing solar energy systems can learn more about the technology and potential cost savings during an OSU Extension workshop on Febr ...
2014 Livestock Judging Season Ends with OSU’s Best Performance in 17 Years
COLUMBUS, Ohio – One of The Ohio State University Livestock Judging Team’s most competitive seasons was capped off with a seventh place finish at the 109th National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest held on Nov. 17, in Louisville, Ky., in conjunction w ...
Revising Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat
Ohio State is in the process of updating the Tri-State Recommendations, looking specifically at N, P and K in corn, soybean and wheat. This is a major undertaking that will require a collective effort from numerous extension personnel, crop consultants an ...