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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Effect of Soybean Maturity in an MRI system

    2014%20maturity%20in%20MRI%20two%20DOP.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping 2014 Crawford Blount Pewamo Soybean relative maturity ...

  2. Effect of Modified Relay Intercropping on Wheat Yield

    MRIversusnoMRI%20FINAL.pdf 2012 Modified Relay Intercropping Small Grain Production Modified Relay Intercropping 2012 Crawford Blount ...

  3. Comparison of Swine Manure and Anhydrous Ammonia as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20AllgierCornPlot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Seneca Tiro Corn Nitrogen ...

  4. The Effect of Relative Maturity on Soybeans Grown in a Modified Relay Intercropping System

    2014%20maturity%20in%20MRI.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping 2014 Clark Kokomo Stawn-Crosby relative maturity Soybean ...

  5. Comparison of Incorporated Swine Finishing Manure, Incorporated Swine Finishing Manure with a Nitrogen Stabilizer, and 28% UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20Bill%20SchroederCorn%20Plot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Putnam Paulding (soil type) Nitrogen Corn ...

  6. Comparison of Incorporated Swine Finishing Manure, Incorporated 28% UAN, and Anhydrous Ammonia as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20Mike%20Schumm%20Corn%20Plot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Van Wert Blount Corn Nitrogen ...

  7. Comparison of Swine Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20JeffDulingCornPlot%20dietrich%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Putnam Paulding (soil type) Nitrogen Corn ...

  8. Comparison of Swine Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20JeffDulingCornPlot%20peecon%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Putnam Paulding (soil type) Corn Nitrogen ...

  9. Comparison of Swine Manure and 28% UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20KalbCornPlot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Seneca Tiro Nitrogen Corn ...

  10. Effect of 2,4-D on Stand of Brassica napus

    Brassica%20napus%2012%20FINAL.pdf 2012 Cover Crops Cover Crops 2012 Crawford Blount herbicide ...
