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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 4-H Newsletters

    September/October 2014 November/December 2014 ...

  2. Teens Awards Kick-off Night

    Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, December 3rd by 4:30 pm, call 740-474-7534 ...

  3. Junior Fair Steer Weigh-In

    4-H and FFA members/parents must bring the steer calves to the weigh-in to be eligible to show the steer(s) at the Pickaway County Fair in 2015. This weigh in is mandatory. ...

  4. OSUE Annual Conference- Pickaway County Office Closed

    Our Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to ...

  5. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  6. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  7. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  8. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  9. Leadership YOU

    The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.”- Fred Rogers Are you exceptional?  Every person has special gifts to share with others, which brings a purpose to their life. Do you know yourlife's purpose and your gifts? Leadership begins by kn ...

  10. Emotional Vampires at Work

    Emotional vampires tend to drain the energy of everyone they encounter.  These “vampires” tend to suck out your optimism, and enthusiasm rather than your blood.  Their toxic behaviors can range from subtle comments, to full blown drama.  These vampires, i ...
