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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Exit Seminar: Shirron LeShure

    "Use of Naturally Occurring Anthelmintics to Control Parasites in Small Ruminants" ...

  2. Down Time

    Being a Buckeye is more than just taking classes at Ohio State. Well-rounded Buckeyes know how to take a break from the books. There’s so much to do when you become a Buckeye! Get your spin on and more at one of our five recreational facilities. Experienc ...

  3. Clean and Safe Boating Day / Life Jacket World Record Event

    On May 18 Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab join participants around the globe to heighten awareness of different life jacket types, including inflatable life jackets, and set a world record for the most inflatable life jackets worn and inflated. The local “Cl ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- March 17, 2014

    Mission Statement: ...

  5. OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Annual Open House

    Register to attend at the Open House webpage. ...

  6. Dairy Program Reception

    The Department of Animal Sciences and the Buckeye Dairy Club invite you to a Dairy Program Reception on Saturday, March 22. ...

  7. Sustainable Water Management in the Great Lakes Region Short Course

    This distance-based short course will be conducted online April 22 through April 30 and will address the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Great Lakes region and watershed-level approaches to community resilience. Participants will gain ...

  8. Ohio Food Forum

    The Ohio Food Forum will bring Ohio’s food producers and buyers to the table on Thursday, May 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the OSU Columbus Main Campus. For further information, contact: Julie Moose a ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- March 10, 2014

    Mission Statement: ...

  10. Little International (Little I)

    Don Scott farm, Sawmill 8:00am Horse Showmanship Begins (29 & 40) 69 8:00am Swine Showmanship Begins (15 & 12) 27 9:30am Sheep Showmanship Begins (9 & 12) 21 10:30am Cattle Showmanship Begins (9 & 24) 33 11:30am Guy/Gal Lead Begins (1 & ...
