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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Columbus Grove 4-H Members Raise Money for Local Fire Dept

    Members of the C.G. Livestock and C.G. Creative 4-Hers club in Columbus Grove have been working on their community service project since early April. They have been raising money to help the fire department to purchase grain bin rescue equipment... Click ...

  2. Five Faculty Advising Forums Offered to SENR Undergraduates

    Faculty advisors meet with their student advisees as part of the Faculty Advising Forums organized by the school's academic services team. Find out  here  when your faculty forum is scheduled. ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Professionals Recognized Nationally

    Earlier this month, more than 60 Ohio 4-H professionals participated in Galaxy IV in Pittsburgh, a national Extension conference. Posters and seminars were presented by county and state 4-H staff on a wide range of youth education topics. In addition, nat ...

  4. Honors requirements for incoming freshmen

    Since you were accepted into the University Honors Program while you were applying for admission to The Ohio State University, you are a university level honors student and a candidate for the  SENR Honors Program.  The steps outlined below are necessary ...

  5. Honors requirements for current SENR students

    Students that wish to be considered for admission into the SENR Honors Program must meet the minimum requirements below: 3.4 cumulative GPA for at least 1 semester of enrollment Enroll in honors before completing 60 semester hours of coursework (note:  ex ...

  6. Fairy Gardens

    The Master Gardners are sponsoring a Make it n Take it Fairy Garden workshop. Everyone will make one to take home with them. Call the library to register ...

  7. Play the Clover Match Game

    Match the 4-H project categories for a chance to win a $10 Tractor Supply Company gift card! ...

  8. Ohio State Drum Major David Pettit; a Scioto County 4-H Alumnus

    Ohio State Marching Band Drum Major, David Pettit, shown here with his parents.  Be sure to watch this amazing video, "The One Out Front" by Sean Gowdy.           ...

  9. Cuyahoga County HERO Camp

    To enhance event safety and security for you and your family the exact location of this event will be provided immediately after registration is complete.  General locations listed are within 20-30 miles of the event to allow initial planning.  If you hav ...

  10. Troop and Family Camp Scioto County 2015

    To enhance event safety and security for you and your family the exact location of this event will be provided immediately after registration is complete.  General locations listed are within 20-30 miles of the event to allow initial planning.  If you hav ...
