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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Can fungus-endangered amphibians be saved?

    Brian Gratwicke  of the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s  Center for Species Survival  presents “Captive Breeding Programs to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis-related Extinctions: Lessons from Panama” at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 26, in the spring sem ...

  2. 2016 4-H Week Member Kickoff

    Ohio 4-H Week is March 6-12 and this is Hancock County's Open House Kickoff event! Hancock County 4-H Advisory Council is hosting this free family event which will include fun, food, and friends. This open house will showcase various 4-H project area ...

  3. Environmental Science Student Symposium

    The Environmental Science Student Symposium (ES3) is an annual event that exhibits the final project of students enrolled in Introduction to Environmental Science (ENR2100). ES3 will be held in the Performance Hall in the Ohio Union. More details on the e ...

  4. Honors Research Progress Report

    This form must be submitted no later than the last week of the semester before your semester of graduation. If you have any questions, contact Renee Johnston. Name * OSU e-mail * Major * Expected Graduation Date * Faculty Advisor * Research Advisor (if di ...

  5. OSU Extension's Tree School Coming to Mansfield April 18th

    The Ohio State University Extension's Tree School will be coming to the Mansfield campus on April 18th, 2015. There will be lessons on planting for pollinators, tree pruning, tree identification, vernal pool creation, and more! Pre-registration is re ...

  6. Hancock County Lamb Banquet

    Doors open at 6 pm and lamb buffet dinner is at 6:30 pm Hosted by Hancock County Sheep Improvement Association Proceeds used for Hancock County Sheep programs and scholarships Tickets are $50 per family; $15 adult; or $7 child (12 and under); available fr ...

  7. Youth Protection Training

    This Youth Protection Training is being held as a 'brown bag' session prior to the monthly meeting of the Master Gardener Volunteers of Hancock County.  This training is suitable for any volunteers involved with programs of Ohio State University ...

  8. Water Security: Community Adaptation to Climate Change

    The Mershon Center is hosting a panel to discuss water security around world. Craig Jenkins, professor of sociology, political science and environmental science, will moderate a panel on "Water Security: Community Adaptation to Climate Change" a ...

  9. Water Management Association of Ohio 44th Annual Conference

    The Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO) would like to invite you to participate as a guest at Careers in Water Resources. This event, in conjunction with the WMAO 44th Annual Conference, will be held on November 17, 2015 at the Doubletree by Hilto ...

  10. Nature and Wealth: Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality

    The Ohio State Discover Theme, Sustainable aqnd Resilient Economy, welcomes Edward B. Barbier, author of Nature and Wealth, and the John S./ Bugas Professor of Economics, University of Wyoming Department of Economics and Finance. ...
