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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Spider Mite Be a Problem

    With continued hot, dry weather it is important to remain vigilant for emerging twospotted spider mite problems in field crops.  Look for characteristic yellow stippling on leaves and confirm the presence of mites by tapping vegetation over a piece of bla ...

  2. Farm Science Review Nutrient Management Field Day


  3. Congress Finalizes Mandatory GMO Labeling Law

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  4. Legal Webinars

    Recorded Webinar   Handout of Slides Recorded Webinar   Handout of Slides Recorded Webinar   Handout of Slides Recorded Webinar   Handout of Slides Recorded Webinar   Handout Recorded Webinar   Handout   ...


    The weather pattern has become favorable for planting. In the short-term planting is favorable but it could become less favorable in the next 1-2 week again so it is worth taking advantage of the window.   As expected our weather pattern has changed to a ...

  6. June Small Grains Field Days

    There are three excellent field day opportunities being planned for small grain producers across the state. The three days cover a variety of production issues, nutrient management practices, and small grain uses. Locations are in Pickaway, Wayne and Wood ...

  7. Make Hay When the Sun Shines…What Sun?

    Getting our first cutting of forages this year seems to be shaping up to be another frustrating experience, although we can only hope it won’t be as bad as last year. The outlook for the end of May does not look very promising for a nice stretch of dry we ...

  8. Management for Red Clover Seed Production

    Producing seed of forage species is not common in Ohio, because our climate is not as conducive to high yields of high quality seed of forages as in western and northwestern states. But each year around mid-July to early August I usually get a few questio ...

  9. Planter Field Day

    With the ever changing weather pattern, it is critical that farmers take advantage of prime planting opportunities. Planting as efficiently as possible is one key to a successful season. Planters and technology have a come a long way in recent years. From ...

  10. 2016-21

