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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Deadline for 4-H Club Organization Paperwork

    Today is the deadline for submitting the following 4-H Club paperwork: 4-H Club Charter Applications 4-H Club Participation Sheets 4-H Club Financial Summary Reports (must be submitted via email) ...

  2. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  3. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  4. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  5. Older Youth Opportunities Applications Due

    Applications due to the Extension Office Older Youth Opportunities Application ...

  6. Champaign ANR Stats

    Facts about Champaign County Agriculture: Since the 1950’s, Champaign County has had a modern farming economy. By then we had tractors, herbicides and hybrid corn. As more people moved from the farm,  we required more mechanization to accomplish farm task ...

  7. Market Steer Weigh-in

    Below is information for registering 2015 market steer projects. All market steers to be exhibited at the 2015 Muskingum County Fair must come to this steer registration day to be tagged and weighed-in, NO EXCEPTIONS. 2015 Steer Weigh-in Letter ...

  8. SNAP-Ed Newsletters and Information

    Proposed Revised Nutrition Facts Label Tips to Make Healthy Choices January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 204 July 2014   ...

  9. 4-H Newsletters

    September/October 2014 November/December 2014 ...

  10. Beef Steer, Heifer and Dairy Steer Weigh-In and Tagging

    All 4-H and FFA members who are taking a market beef steer, beef heifer or dairy steer project must have the animals tagged and weighed in order to take the animals to the 2015 Champaign County Fair. For full details and a 2015 Cattlemen's Certificat ...
