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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Become a ENRAS Sustaining Member

    All ENR graduates are members of both the ENR Alumni Society and The Ohio State University Alumni Association.   Carry on the Buckeye tradition of paying forward, and become a sustaining member today! How can I join? A Sustaining Member is an alumnus who ...

  2. Recipient of Fellowship Gaining Real-World Research Experience

    Kevin Fisher, a junior majoring in Environmental Science in the School of Environment and Natural Resources with a focus on water science, is spending his summer conducting research on bighead carp. Kevin is a recipient of a  2015 Ohio State Undergraduate ...

  3. MENR Deadlines

    MENR Deadlines The following items are due to the ENR Graduate Program Coordinator by the deadline indicated below: Form Deadline MENR Program of Study Due by the end of the 1st semester in the program   See Graduate School Deadlines for application to gr ...

  4. Farm Science Review: Good Green Reasons to Go to the Gwynne

    Farm Science Review features more than farm science. The Sept. 22-24 event in London, Ohio, also will highlight the conservation of natural resources at a demonstration and education site called the  Gwynne Conservation Area. The area is at the west end o ...

  5. Fellowship recipient conducting summer research in school’s aquaculture laboratory

    Benjamin Schott, a junior with a double major in biochemistry and molecular genetics at The Ohio State University, is spending his summer investigating the effects of nutritional programming in yellow perch juveniles. Benjamin is a recipient of a 2015 Ohi ...

  6. Save Our Soils seminar briefing with Prof. Rattan Lal

    This event briefing was produced by The Organic Stream in Malmö, Sweden at Save Our Soils seminar November 2015. Watch the full version at This event briefing is made possible by SIANI. ...

  7. Master Gardener Volunteers

    The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through the ...

  8. Aug. 11: How One Town Grew from a Flood

    Joe Gies, who turned a 500-year flood into a better future for his hometown in north-central Ohio, will speak Aug. 11 at The Ohio State University as part of the Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Club series. The network is a service of the Sc ...

  9. College Recognition Banquet

    The 2016 College Recognition Banquet will be held in the Ohio Union Ballroom.  ...

  10. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum & Gamma Sigma Delta Induction

    The CFAES Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Forum provides a means for undergraduate students to share their research with members and friends of the OSU community; recognizes the significant contributions to research by OSU undergraduates; and fac ...
