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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Pesticide Disposal Collection Days

    Do you have pesticides sitting in storage that you do not intend to use?  The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be sponsoring four Ohio Pesticide Clean Sweep Days around the state for farmers wishing to dispose of unwanted pesticides on four different d ...

  2. Orchard Sprayer Technology Field Day


  3. Harmony Farms Open House

    Harmony Farms located at 5294 Kidron Rd, Apple Creek recently built a new four-row, sand bedded free stall barn.  One of the unique features of this barn is an evaporative cooling system by a company named CowKuhlerZ was installed to provide relief from h ...

  4. Dairy Cow Bedding Management

              I was asked recently about the use of rye straw as a bedding material for dairy cows.  The gist of the question was whether or not rye straw could be responsible for higher somatic cell counts or mastitis as compared to other small grain straws. ...

  5. 4-H News and Notes: August 16, 2016

    4-H Club Booth Request Forms, August / September Fair Edition of The Link Newsletter, Extension 4-H Advisory and 4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committee Nomination Forms due and several other important 4-H and fair reminders. ...

  6. Donations Due for Junior Leaders Bikes for Kids Christmas Project


  7. Annual MGV Plant Sale


  8. Back to the Future with Stink Bugs?

    Some of you may remember the 2012 growing season—very dry most of the year but, in some areas, late season rains gave a second life into the soybean crop that was reaching pod fill stage.  Unfortunately, this boost also likely attracted stink bugs into so ...

  9. Screening conservation cover seed for the presence of Palmer amaranth- be informed before you plant

    The three primary sources of new Palmer amaranth infestations in Ohio so far have been:  1) presence of Palmer seed in the cotton-based feeds that are brought here from the south; 2) movement of contaminated combines from Palmer-infested areas of the sout ...

  10. Estimating Yield Losses in Drought Damaged Corn Fields

    Rainfall over the past weekend helped some drought stressed corn fields, especially late plantings, but it may have been too late for others.  Prior to this rainfall, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 46 percent of Ohio was rated as in “moderate drou ...
