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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. CFAES Career Expo Open to all OSU students and recent alumni. Contact Adam Cahill at with questions.   ...

  2. Farm Science Reivew

    For more information on the 2015 Farm Science Review visit ...

  3. Ohio State Student Involvement Fair

    Save the date for Sunday, August 23, 2015! The Student Involvement Fair is the best place to find a student organization that meets your needs and interests. Held during Welcome Week each autumn, members of more than 700 OSU student organizations, campus ...

  4. Department Welcome Back Cookout

    Join the faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership for a cookout to celebrate the start of a new school year. We'll be having a cookout, so come hungry. ...

  5. Second Annual Student Council Pumpkin Carving Contest

    Students come together for fall festivities in celebration of their college and friendly competition amongst student organizations. The 2012 College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences annual fall social was held October 25 this year. The ev ...

  6. Home again: CFAES welcomes Bruce A. McPheron

    If you see someone new walking the halls of the CFAES campuses, say hello! Our new vice president for agricultural administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, started Nov. 1.  An entomologist by training, Bruce McPh ...

  7. Grow your own lettuce in space? Students, researchers build system for NASA

    Say you're on Mars and you fancy a salad. Unless the Curiosity rover can make an unexpected find of fresh romaine somewhere on the dusty Red Planet, you're looking at a nine-month trip to the nearest produce aisle on Earth. A better option? Grow ...

  8. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    Using inch-long "Eco-Bots" made from the head of a toothbrush, a small vibrating motor, and a watch battery, thousands of youth around the U.S. devised ways to clean up a simulated toxic spill on Oct. 10 in the "Eco-Bot Challenge," the ...

  9. Growing numbers: CFAES enrollment up 3.3 percent

      Attracting more students and creating a diverse population of undergraduate and graduate students each year has always been one of CFAES's goals, and this year is no exception. Comparing autumn enrollment numbers from 2011 to 2012, undergraduate en ...

  10. ATI dedicates new beef cattle handling facility

    ATI livestock student Emily Painter, pictured right, wielded the scissors at the ribbon cutting for  ATI's new beef cattle handling facility  on Oct. 12. About 100 people attended the program, which showcased the Temple Grandin-designed facility to t ...
