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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Special Campaign Announcement


  2. Ohio No-Till Field Day- August 31

    Are you thinking about switching to no-till and have some questions you need answered before taking the leap?  Maybe you‘ve been planting no-till soybeans for years and are thinking about adapting this practice to corn.  Adopting no-till requires understa ...

  3. Farmer Led Water Quality Monitoring-Initial Results and Request for Participants

    Ohio State University Extension is seeking additional 60 fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin to help with a water monitoring research project looking at Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) losses from fields.  Farmers already participating do not need t ...

  4. Bean Leaf Beetles Don’t Quit at the End of August (Unlike Your Summer Help)

    As we get into the R5-R6 growth stage of soybean, now is the time to look out for pod and seed feeding insects, especially bean leaf beetles, grasshoppers, and stink bugs.  Last week’s article focused on stink bugs, which pierce the pod and suck out seed ...

  5. Fertilizer Application Certification & Training (FACT), Nutrient Management Field Day- September 6th

    OSU Extension Crawford County will be hosting a nutrient management field day for fertilizer application certification on Sepember 6 th from 1-4 pm. The program will be held at OSU Extension Unger Farm 1303 Bucyrus-Nevada Rd., Bucyrus, OH 44820. For more ...

  6. Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13

    A common concern for growers when working with an Agricultural Technology Provider (ATP) is that their data may be used by that ATP to benefit itself in the marketplace.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, it is illegal for businesses to act toget ...

  7. Prevention is the key to managing stored grain pests

    The primary causes of grain spoilage during storage are excess moisture and high temperature. However, insects can infest any grain that is not handled properly or that is stored longer than 6 months. Damage from weevils or other stored grain insects can ...

  8. Late season diseases are making their appearance

    Sudden death syndrome.  I was scouting the sudden death syndrome study and symptoms have started.  And due to the calls I am getting it is also in some producer’s fields.  Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a fungal disease of soybean and is limited to a few ...

  9. Late season purple corn

    Growers are reporting reddish-purple plants in their corn fields and sometimes observing that the degree of purpling varies among hybrids. Several factors can cause purpling of corn plant tissues late in the season. As a defense mechanism to protect photo ...

  10. Ear development impacted by drought conditions

    Drought and heat adversely affected ear and kernel formation in many Ohio corn fields this year. Poor ear and kernel development is associated with variability in plant growth within fields that is related to differences in soil moisture.   In some areas ...
