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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Adams County Travel Amish Bird Symposium

    Join the Adams County Travel & Visitors Bureau and the Adams County Amish Community for a daylong celebration of birds at the 13th Annual Adams County Amish Bird Symposium that features speakers, vendors, live raptors from Raptor Incorporated, and oth ...

  2. The Social Cost of Carbon with Economic and Climate Risks

    The Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics presents Yongyang Cai, Stanford University, who will present "The Social Cost of Carbon with Economic and Climate Risks" in 105 Ag Admin Bldg. This seminar is part of the Su ...

  3. We want your news!

    We want to hear from you!  Please use the form below to tell us what you've been up to.  ALUMNI NEWS SUBMISSION We also hope you'll give us feedback on News from Ohio State ATI. Have a suggestion for improvement? Have an idea for a story? Please ...

  4. Staying Alive: Evolution, ecology and climate change on a gypsum archipelago

    The EEOB Spring Seminar Series presents  Michael Moore,  Oberlin College, will present “Staying Alive: Evolution, ecology and climate change on a gypsum archipelago”. The seminar will be in 1180 Postle Hall.   ...

  5. A Distinguished Career in Aerospace and Public Affairs

    The College of Engineering presents Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Under Secretary of Commerce, Oceans and Atmosphere, and Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who will present A Distinguished Career in Aerospace and Public Affairs as a ...

  6. Dr. Stanley Gehrt's Coyote Research Featured in Podcast

    A 60-Second Science podcast  "Coyote Size Forces Smartness" by Steve Mirsky for Scientific American features Dr. Stanley Gehrt's research on urban coyotes and his talk at ScienceWriters2014.  ...

  7. CFAES Student Council Ice Skating Social

    An ice skating social hosted by CFAES Student council, will be taking place 8:15-10:15 p.m next Saturday, January 30th at the OSU ice rink. Please bring $3 to rent skates and enjoy an adventurous activity with fellow students. Hot chocolate and cookies wi ...

  8. 4-H Advisory Committee Meeting


  9. Horse PAS Show (PAS Classes only)


  10. 4-H Advisory Committee Meeting

