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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. More on Fungicides and Tank-Mixing with Insecticides

    Foliar diseases continue to spread up the corn plant in some fields, so, this may be the year to apply a foliar fungicide to minimize losses due to diseases such as Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) and Gray Leaf Spot (GLS). Both GLS and NCLB may cause yie ...

  2. Planting Scabby Wheat

    Although scab was not widespread in Ohio this year, there were a few pockets with high levels of the disease in some parts of the state. In addition, persistent rainfall over the last several weeks has caused producers to be concerned about grain quality ...

  3. Food Science Club Meeting

    Food Science Club is having its first meeting on Tuesday, September 3 at 5PM in Parker room 118. The brief meeting will be followed by a cookout and games at Fred Beekman. Contact Olivia Geoghegan at with questions. ...

  4. Canner Testing

    Canner testing free of charge. Sponsored by Lehman's. ...

  5. Canner Testing (Mt. Hope)


  6. Volleyball and Cookout with Sigma Alpha!

    Come join Sigma Alpha and play volleyball and cookout with Farm House! Rush event will be at Farm House from 6:30-7:30pm. Contact Catherine Mathews.220 (614)-571-7497 for details or if you need a ride. ...

  7. Delaware County Fair with Sigma Alpha!

    Come join Sigma Alpha and attend the Delaware County Fair! Meet at 54 West Blake at 9:00am to carpool. Contact Catherine Mathews.220 (614)-571-7497 for details or if you need a ride. ...

  8. Kickball with Sigma Alpha!

    Come join Sigma Alpha and play kickball with Alpha Gamma Sigma! Rush event will be at the fields near Kottman Hall from 6:30-7:30pm. Contact Catherine Mathews.220 (614)-571-7497 for details or if you need a ride. ...

  9. Touch Football with Sigma Alpha!

    Come join Sigma Alpha and play touch football with Alpha Gamma Rho! Rush event will be at Alpha Gamma Rho from 6:00-7:00pm. Contact Catherine Mathews.220 (614)-571-7497 for details or if you need a ride. ...

  10. Sigma Alpha Chapter

    Come to 54 West Blake for a chapter meeting of Sigma Alpha! Social begins at 6:30 and chapter begins at 7:00. Contact Catherine Mathews.220 (614)-571-7497 for details or if you need a ride. ...
