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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. This Week’s Weather

    A large storm system will bring widespread rainfall to the eastern corn and soybean areas including Ohio through early Wednesday to end April. Rainfall totals will be widespread in the 1-2 inch range with some higher totals. The large upper low will linge ...

  2. Adjusting Soybean No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    Weed growth has been somewhat slow this year due to the cold weather in late winter, but the current warm and wet weather should change this.  Those fields not treated with burndown herbicides yet may present some challenges by the time fields are dry eno ...

  3. Wheat Crop Update: The Crop May be Further Along Than You Think

    The state of the 2014 wheat crop is variable. Some stands look very good while others have several bare patches. Overall, wheat fields on well drained soils and planted shortly after the fly-free date are in good condition, while fields that were wet in t ...

  4. Using Residual Herbicides in Tilled Soybean Fields

    One of the questions that comes up once a grower decides to kill marestail with tillage instead of burndown herbicides is – does he still need residual herbicides?  The thinking here apparently is that: A) tillage takes care of marestail for this crop yea ...

  5. Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer

    Higher pesticide costs and new chemicals designed to be used in lower doses make accurate application more important than ever. There is no better time than early spring to take a closer look at your sprayer. Here are some of the things I would check on a ...

  6. 2016 Recertification Conference

    Receive five hours of recertification credits. All categories will be available at each location. Two hours of agricultural fertilizer certification training for applicators with a pesticide license will be available at the Sandusky, Dayton, and Columbus ...

  7. 2016 Recertification Conference

    Receive five hours of recertification credits. All categories will be available at each location. Two hours of agricultural fertilizer certification training for applicators with a pesticide license will be available at the Sandusky, Dayton, and Columbus ...

  8. 2016 Recertification Conference

    Receive five hours of recertification credits. All categories will be available at each location. Two hours of agricultural fertilizer certification training for applicators with a pesticide license will be available at the Sandusky, Dayton, and Columbus ...

  9. 2016 Recertification Conference

    Receive five hours of recertification credits. All categories will be available at each location. Two hours of agricultural fertilizer certification training for applicators with a pesticide license will be available at the Sandusky, Dayton, and Columbus ...

  10. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training

    Mandatory training for licensing in Category 12. Click here for more information. ...
