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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Early-May Wheat Disease Update

    The wheat crop in Ohio is now at or just past Feekes 8 (flag leaf emergence), the growth stage at which we usually recommend fungicide application for foliar disease control. However, conditions have been fairly hot and dry over the last 7 to 10 days, slo ...

  2. Identifying Feekes Growth Stages 9 and 10

    Feekes growth stages 9 (full flag leaf emergence) and 10 (boot stage) can be identified without having to pull plants from the field. At this stage, you are no longer looking for and counting nodes at the base of the stem. Once the wheat crop is beyond Fe ...

  3. Weather Update 5/12/2015

    After some early week rain of less than 0.25 inches in most places with isolated totals to 0.50 inches in the far north and west part of the state, it will turn more seasonable in terms of temperatures but very little additional rainfall is forecast durin ...

  4. Control of Insect Pests of Field Crops, Bulletin 545

    Control of Insect Pests of Field Crops, Bulletin 545.  Gives detailed information on pest control thresholds and insecticide options for management of insects in corn, soybean, wheat and alfalfa. 545(1).pdf January, 2011 Corn Insects Soybean Insects Wheat ...

  5. Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804

    Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804.  Five to 15 percent of Ohio's corn crop is lost to disease each year, amounting to nearly $100 million in lost farm income. Corn diseases include seedling diseases, leaf blights, stalk rots, ear and kern ...

  6. Profitable Soybean Cultural Practices, Bulletin 918

    Profitable Soybean Cultural Practices, Bulletin 918. This bulletin focuses on management practices for Ohio soybean production. Suggestions on topics such as growth and development, crop rotation, tillage practices, planting varieties, nutrient management ...

  7. Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785

    Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785. Effective disease management requires knowledge of the important yield-limiting diseases most likely to occur in Ohio. This bulletin addresses the essential components of the disease symptoms with color imag ...

  8. Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008

    Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008.  Publication covers specifics of soybean rust identification and  management. General section of the publication cover the use of fungicide sin general for disease control including description of products and their ...

  9. Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938

    Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938.  This bulletin provides an up-to-date description of products and practices that reduce production costs and increase wheat yields and profits. Each topic follows a "bolt & nut approach'' t ...

  10. Test

    This is a test of the Jcaption settings ...
