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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Bees and Beneficials Workshop

    This session will focus on the biology and natural history of these important insects, including how to invite bees and beneficials into our gardens and landscapes. Topics include garden predators, bee biology, backyard bees and beneficials, bees at  The ...

  2. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  3. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  4. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  5. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13. Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beeke ...

  6. Secrest Arboretum's Fall Plant Sale

    The Secrest Arboretum's Fall Plant Sale is a tree and shrub sale by the Friends of Secrest Arboretum, the facility’s volunteer support group. Admission to the sale is free and open to the public. OARDC is at 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, but visitors ...

  7. TWEL Keith Norris Thesis

    Body mass dynamics, stopover durations, and habitat conditions for migrant shorebirds in the southwestern Lake Erie marsh region Keith Alan Norris, MS Advisor:  Robert J. Gates Thesis Migration is energetically expensive for shorebirds.  Wetland and coast ...

  8. Past Fire and Present-day Mesophication: Implications for Oak Ecosystem Restoration Webinar

    The Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium recommends a webinar co-hosted by the Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium and the Society for Ecological Restoration-Medwest/Great Lakes Chapter.  Gregory Nowacki, PhD, Regional Ecologist, Acti ...

  9. Fire and the Northern Long-Eared Bat: Vulnerability and Management Considerations Webinar

    Lakes States Fire Science Consortium will join the North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange and Drs. Luke Dodd and Mike Lacki for the webinar, Fire and the Northern Long-Eared Bat: Vulnerability and Management Considerations. The webinar will include basic ba ...

  10. Honors Study Program- NRM

    Student ID * 8 or 9 digits. Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Statement of Intent * Briefly describe your interest in pursuing an Honors Program through the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Please include your career and research inte ...
