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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    Cover crops provide multiple benefits with regards to protecting soil from erosion, improving soil health, and as a component of a nutrient management plan.  For those cover crops that over winter and resume growth in the spring, for example, cereal rye a ...

  2. News: FPEF awards scholarship to Ohio State ATI student

    Cherry Hill, NJ  – The Fluid Power Educational Foundation (FPEF) Board of Trustees awarded John-Murphy Paulin of Nova, Ohio a $2,000 scholarship. John-Murphy will be a freshman at Ohio State ATI, beginning autumn semester 2015. “A minimum GPA, an essay, a ...

  3. Letter from the Director

    Ohio State ATI Alumni, This will be my last letter to our Ohio State ATI Alumni as the Interim Director. You may think the following is “over the top” as my Aussie mates would say – I, however, have much to communicate to our great alumni after having bee ...

  4. 2016 Extension Annual Conference


  5. Ohio State ATI experiences another year of enrollment growth

    Ohio State ATI continues to experience steady growth in enrollment, with a 7 percent increase in the total student body. Autumn's official headcount was 751, an increase of 49 students from Autumn 2014. Enrollment in the Associate of Science (transfe ...

  6. Scholarship Golf Tournament Returns This Summer

    After a year's hiatus, the Ohio State ATI Scholarship Golf Tournament will return on Thursday, July 21 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course in Creston. The format is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $65 per person, whic ...

  7. Upcoming Ag Outlook Meetings

    Join the faculty from the Ohio State University’s Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics and Ohio State University Extension as they discuss the issues and trends affecting agriculture in Ohio.  Each meeting is being hosted ...

  8. Catalpadale Bristol Dairy Scholarship established at Ohio State ATI

    A gift from John and Lois Douglass of Marshallville has established the Catalpadale Bristol Dairy Scholarship, which will cover full in-state tuition and fees – a first for Ohio State ATI. The scholarship will support students enrolled in the dairy cattle ...

  9. Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty

    Dr. Uttara Samarakoon – Samarakoon is an assistant professor in the greenhouse and nursery management program. She received a Bachelor of Sciences degree with honors from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka in agriculture with a specialization in ho ...

  10. Introducing Dr. Kelley Tilmon

    In January, Dr. Kelley Tilmon joined the faculty of the Department of Entomology as an Associate Professor and State Specialist for field crop entomology. Her extension, research, and teaching programs will focus on the management of insect pests of agron ...
